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WinPenPack Essential 4.2 portable

[ · Letöltés távoli szerverről (398 MB) ]
2012.05.02, 17:08:48


A fura nevű programra eltátod a szádat! Csak kicsomagolod a pendrive-ra és már működik!

Ami benne van:

Documents management
SumatraPDF (.pdf reader)
X-AbiWord (word processor)
X-Gnumeric (spreadsheet program)
X-SciTE (text editor)

Personal Information management
X-ANote (sticky-notes)
X-Planner (project management tool)

JPEGView (image viewer)
X-Gimp (image manager and elaboration)

X-Chromium (Internet browser)
X-FileZilla (FTP client)
X-Pidgin (instant messenger with MSN, ICQ, AIM and much more compatibility)
X-PopTray (mail monitor)
X-RSSOwl (RSS reader)
X-Sylpheed (e-mail client)

X-Audacity (audio editor)
X-CdrTools FrontEnd (CD/DVD burner)
X-VideoLAN (multimedia player)
X-xVideoServiceThief (tool for downloading your favourite video clips from a lot of video websites)

p2p - File sharing
X-Halite (Bit Torrent client)
X-HttpFileServer (file server, file sharing through web)
X-Mule (p2p)

X-ClamWin (antivirus)
X-Eraser (secure and programmable files and folder delete)
X-FreeOTFE (virtual disk creation protected by password)
X-KeePass (store and protect your passwords)

FreeFileSync (folder comparison and synchronization tool)
X-Abakt (backup tool)
X-DiskCleaner (search and delete for temporary and unvailing files)
X-JKDefrag (disk defragmentation tool)
X-StartupManager (program that provides you the possibility to manage the Windows startup procedure)
X-WinDirStat (disk usage statistics viewer)

X-7Zip (file compressor/decompressor)
X-AstroGrep (alternative hard disk files and folders searcher)
X-CamStudio (it allows to capture desktop activity and save it as .avi file)
X-Lightscreen (it allows to saving and catalog screenshots in .png, .jpg and .bmp format)
X-muCommander (file manager)
X-Translate.Net (client to most popular translating services available online)

EjectUSB (utility to close all programs running from a specified drive and attempt ejection)

GTK+ for Windows
LAME Encoder
Java Runtime Environment (Note: JRE is not included, but it will be downloaded and extracted through JavaGet)


Kategória: Egyéb letöltések | Hozzáadta:: Mesant Megtekintések száma: 1503 | Letöltések száma: 515 Címkék (kulcsszavak): mindent egyben, szoftver, pendrive

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Összes hozzászólás: 0
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