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Windows 7 Tips and Tricks for Best Performance

Látogatottság: 15 Hozzáadta:: Mesant Mesant 
Az anyag leírása:

In this video I show you how to tweak Windows 7 to be as fast as possible.If you follow all of the steps in this guide, your PC will theoretically be at it's maximum potential.I guarantee that your computer will run faster after this guide. If it doesn't, you either have a virus or a hardware malfunction.In the guide I describe what bogs down a system over time and how to fix it. Not only that, but I describe how to tweak the predefined settings from Microsoft to keep your PC running at its peak performance. Exercise your inner nerd with our weekly tips, guides, and reviews.For more geeky goodness, visit us at www.webnasium.com

Nyelv: English
Az anyag lejátszási ideje: 00:08:25
Szerző: xBonesLikeIron
Összes hozzászólás: 0
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